Work Play Work (Task 2)

Continuing the Work Play Work project I was tasked with creating a Zine with the images I had made based on my chosen text, “The Fat Workie”.  In order to do this, I photocopied my original images in order to arrange them to create the best possible zine. I added images together and removed some and from this, I created the first iteration of my Zine.

First Cover Idea
Page 3







Test Zines






After creating the first Zine we were encouraged to exchange our Zines with someone else, adding a collaborative element to this project. Once we had exchanged the Zines we photocopied and edited them in a way that we thought would be an improvement, one that the original creator may not have seen. I swapped it with Daisy, a fellow student and had a lot of availability for creative decisions from her work. When restructuring her Zine I focused on collaging most of her work. The passage she was working from was “A Short Stay in Hell” and as such, I tried to capture the elements of a quick trip through hell. I placed her created images on a black background and began to rearrange her work. I also made a conscious effort to include a devil she had drawn in the majority of the pages, to make it seem as tho the devil was giving you a whistle-stop tour of Hell. I edited the colours on a few images to make them darker as I felt it better suited the tone of the Zine. The cover of the Zine, I decided should be the brighter window image with what looks like a demon in the window as to me it seemed like that was the entrance to hell. On the back, I have the same image but covered with images from the hellscape, as if barricaded. This then suggests the idea that you are now stuck in this Zine and in Hell. The chaotic nature of the middle pages of the Zine are there to represent the chaos that can be perceived as hell.

Cover (For Daisy’s Zine)
Back (For Daisy’s Zine)







Once I had completed this Zine I returned it and Daisy returned mine. From both my work on Daisy’s Zine and the rearrangement she did, I wanted to focus on creating somewhat of a narrative within my Zine. In order to do this, I rearranged the Zine and removed the text it was based on.  From here I decided to create a Safety Guide as it both related to the text and I felt many of the characters I had created were similar to clipart that was often used in safety guides. I felt the Zine turned out well as it became the guide that I had hoped to create, however looking back on it now I question whether I should l have considered the use of colour especially strong reds and greens as are common in safety guides to distinguish between the dos and don’ts within the manual.

Final Cover Page
Final Intro Page








First Zine Ideas

Daisy’s Zine (My Redesign)

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