A Critical Analysis Of Various Emails I Have Been Sent By Corporations

Event Triggered Email

“Email is a widely used tool for business communications, but a 2013 survey by Sendmail, Inc., found that it has caused tension, confusion, or other negative consequences for 64 percent of working professionals.”

This is why it is so important to ensure that your email is clear, and successful.

Event triggered email is an email sent to a list of subscribers based on a event. The email i chose was sent by patterns nightclub in Brighton, for there Halloween night. Here is a link to there website were you can find out all there information: http://patternsbrighton.com/


Above we can see that they have used emojis to represent the event that they are holding (?), this makes you engaged as it attracts you from others emails in your inbox. The use of using capital letters  also engages you. When this email was sent i opened it straight away, they had a warning in the email name that the event was close to selling out which lead me to view it right away. This email worked relatively well as it had my attention and got me to open it straight away.

screen-shot-2016-11-04-at-13-21-42 screen-shot-2016-11-04-at-13-21-49 screen-shot-2016-11-04-at-13-22-02

Once the email was opened you were taken to a very bright page that had a flashing skull which flashed different colours, and made you scroll down further. Its contrasting colours really encourage you to scroll further into the post as it is almost quite satisfying to read and view. The fact that they diddent include much information also made it effective, as you are only informed on the key points of the night, so you are more likely to remember it and you know exactly what you are getting for your money. Right at the bottom of the page you are informed about 2 options that allow you to buy tickets, these are in bright boxes that sent links to were you can purchase the tickets. These links are likely to be opened as you are convinced before hand by the text.

There are various was in which you can analyse the success rate of an email, please follow this link which will give you some insight: https://econsultancy.com/blog/64784-simple-steps-for-measuring-email-campaign-effectiveness/


Above is an email that has not been as successful, as it does not draw you to open it due to the lack of various emojis or texts. This just looks like any old email, so you would most probably just scroll past it due to the pure volume of email a typical person receives nowadays.screen-shot-2016-11-04-at-13-34-41

As you can see, the landing page is relatively boring, and does not give you a great amount of information as the price is not even stated. “The average office worker receives around 80 emails each day. With that volume of mail, individual messages can easily get overlooked.” this is why it is so important to make your emails affective.

This Email could be improve by having a better subject line, instead of have just normal caps, they could of had bold letters, emojis and caps lock letters included. In rule six of http://www.skillsyouneed.com/rhubarb/effective-emails.html article it says “Master the Subject Line” you need to think how you would get the receiver to open it and how you can make it athsteticaly appealing. Also the landing page need to have more information included. “There are so many elements that a top-notch landing page needs, and making those elements the “best” they can be often depends on what your landing page goals are.” for Xbox it would be to convince the buyer that it is worth the value of money to spend, this would maybe involve the use of effective images or facts about the consoles improvements/


  • “Writing Effective Emails: Getting People To Read And Act On Your Messages”. Mindtools.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 4 Nov. 2016.
  • Six rules for effective Emails (2011) Available at: http://www.skillsyouneed.com/rhubarb/effective-emails.html (Accessed: 4 November 2016).
  • Mineo, G. (2016) 16 of the best landing Page Design examples you need to see. Available at: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/landing-page-examples-list#sm.000zfl3zl121id5gvz31vf2g0icna (Accessed: 4 November 2016).


I recently read an article on game of thrones which i found very interesting. I found it amazing how the use of digital marketing had such a huge influence on the series. Twitter was a massive factor in why the show was such a hit, people would use the hashtag bringdowntheking, this would trend and spread to more and more people. In summary brand watch analytics optimised there activity, as they managed to record 875,000 individual interactions relating to the campaign.

Here is some more information i found on this article: https://studentcentral.brighton.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/pid-2790161-dt-content-rid-5195315_1/courses/IT382_2016/Game%20of%20Thrones%20Case%20Study%281%29.pdf

And if your interested on watching it, click on the link below:


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