First Assignment of the semester:

The thoughts behind the first task!

So far into this semester it has been an intense start to understand the new challenges and opportunities we are having to complete. At the beginning of the semester in the module digital marketing it was a structured plan to understand how to abstract the strengths and weaknesses from an assigned article to then construct it into feedback. This formed it’s own challenges as we had to develop new analytical skills, I found that this article:  ‘’ created a well balanced ideology on how to approach an article with the analytical thinking behind it and allow us as students to venture further within the task to understand how these variables can contribute to a final product.

Further from this, it took commitment with this assignment compared to a typical essay. Being able to construct and analyse information takes longer to process to then explain it within the assignment. For me I had to work and take intermediate breaks to allow myself to still be engaged and understand what my next steps were. This assignment taught me how to plan my next steps and understand that these assignments take time to not only complete but to process and understand.

In one of the seminars, we were understanding how to analyse websites to further help not only with the current assignment of task one but the future assignment task 2 where we would be designing an infographic as well as completing a final blog. Understanding what attracts users to a website is important but today it was the analytical thinking of how it could be made better. Especially applying the trends of the modern market place to a company that is selling books and how they would compete with big producers such as Amazon and Waterstones.

After all the work that I have put in for this first assignment I hope the further reading and understanding will help contribute to a successful year. Keeping what I have learnt so far about analytical thinking will help provide support for my future tasks.


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