
Hello everyone,

I am very happy to finally have a standard course (meaning seeing people in class!); the one I took last semester was merely online.

My name is Caterina, I am Italian and I am currently doing the MA Creative Media part-time. Meanwhile I am assisting a photographer here in Brighton, using different analog cameras as well as the digital.

I finished my undergraduate degree in Italy called Sciences and Technologies of Communication two years ago. My final thesis was on Urban Sociology and it was called “Fashion&The City”. It was based on how fashion influenced cities (particularly the four fashion capitals: NYC, London, Milan and Paris) and vice versa. Studying the territory from a social perspective has always had a great appeal to me.

I was very interested in the fashion field (I worked one year in that business last year in Milan) only to discover my deepest interest was linked to photo-shoots and the power of images. Moreover, places and big cities are fascinating to me because I grew up in the Italian countryside, far away from that vibrating energy of creating something new.

That’s why I am happy to have undertaken this course and I am curious to learn more about how to team up new technologies with sustainability. I would be really interested to know if a smart/digital city can help or not in developing the small local places, from small villages to the actual countryside. Or whether they could somehow work together.

See you in class and have all a good week end.
