Week 4 Digital Aspect of the Digital Cities

The concept of the digital cities is being developed all over the globe. Digital cities can integrate the urban information in both the achievable and the real time limits in order to create the different public spaces for the people to live in the cities. In the context of the urban space we can refer to the code space concept as given by Rob Kitchin and Martin Dodge. They mainly discussed about the computer code that ranges from the different digital mode of the control system that will create the new ways to undertake the various risks. The production of space as both of them has argued is the factor that is increasingly dependent on the various codes that will be required in order to produce the space concept (Ishida 2017).Dodge has also illustrated the idea of the different conceptual tools which will be required for the understanding of the various forms of interrelationships that will exist in the domain of space, software and in the context of the everyday life.

The concept of software in the digital aspect of the urban cities refers to the various animating functions that characterize a particular city through their various monitoring infrastructure that will regulate the flow contained in the different activities of the Daily life. The research regarding the various urban landscapes related to the concept of code will usually progress from their initial position of the non-representable form of the theory in which the different analytical lens that will relate to the ontological form of description. In this context of the city approach there will not be a fixed set of geometric and the hard objects in the city that will form the provisional objects that will take the digital form and the similar associated functions that will define the ways in which way they will be performed (Willis and Aurigi 2017).




Ishida, T., 2017, April. Digital city, smart city and beyond. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion (pp. 1151-1152).

Willis, K.S. and Aurigi, A., 2017. Digital and smart cities. Routledge.


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