Wk 4 Blog How will I know?
The Big Bang Data exhibit ‘IF’ looks at governance, ownership and control relating to recording and storage of personal data.
Imagined licensing involved placing a personal card on a reader, with selection of disclosure levels allowing individual control of how and by whom data is shared. Card information as part of access to transport infrastructure, demonstrates software becoming ‘spatially active’. For example, purchase of travel tickets using a card places the person in a particular geographic location identifiable through spatial analysis. For digital cities ‘service oriented’ computing infrastructure is a key part of of how management for health, education, local governance and business is implemented.
Problematic security of data is something acknowledged in a report from IBM ‘Democracy of Devices, Saving the future of the Internet of Things’ (IBM 2015). The authors look at problems and solutions for a future where there are upwards of 25 billion connected devices by 2020. The scale of this and potential for formal and informal intrusion cannot realistically be controlled. Integration of privacy and anonymity into design is necessary to give people an opportunity to control usage and privacy. Initially developed as part of Bitcoin, blockchain is a universal digital ledger which enables functioning of decentralised financial systems. Developed through open source commons, the system is considered less vulnerable.
A ‘Scoop it’ post reviewing the Dhanjani book ‘Abusing the Internet of Things: Blackouts, Freakouts, and Stakeouts’ (2015) gives practical examples of where security of the Internet of Things (IoT) has been compromised with relative ease. In practical case studies including code, the author highlights issues for debate regarding implications for security as device connectivity develops. Code is the basis of all the software running IoT, which means management of our living systems is increasingly dependent on the code/space dyadic concept explored by Kitchen and Dodge in Code/Space(2011).
Public space can refer to that which is accessible under localised governance and societal norms. Berry et al suggest ‘no one person or company can unequivocally own or control it’. The edges of what is defined as public space are considered increasingly contested through privatised regulation and ownership and will be significant to the development of digital cities.
Berry, C., Harbord, J., Moore, R. eds., 2013 Public Space, Media Space. Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan
Dhanjani, N. 2015 Abusing the Internet of Things Blackouts, Freakouts, and Stakeouts’ in Doctorow, C. Boing Boing 2016
available from:
accessed: 26.2.16
Purshwaren, V. 2015 Device Democracy, Saving the future of the Internet of Things
Executive Report IBM New York
Available from: http://public.dhe.ibm.com/common/ssi/ecm/gb/en/gbe03620usen/GBE03620USEN.PDF?
accessed on 26.2.16
Sassen, S. 2012 Urbanising Technology LSE Cities
available from:
accessed: 26.2.16