
As a painter I have never discovered something that excites me. After years of investigating diverse themes within my work, I still found that I was searching for something that truly sparked my curiosity. Only recently have I discovered the common thread that ties everything together, the figures in my artwork are always female. I have always had a deep urge to understand the female experience, and with each painting created there is a calling to explore it further. When making art I always ask myself ‘what is it like to be a woman in modern day society?’ and ‘what is the female experience?’ Within each painting I feel as if there is a part of me described in the subject alongside the attempt to represent a shared female experience.
Recently, I have found that my practice takes on social commentary, leading me to explore how women’s identities have been shaped by social media and societal interpretations of beauty. The intertwined relationship between women, beauty and social media is something I have always subconsciously considered. What I find fascinating about the concept is how society has influenced social media to become a breeding ground for the beauty ideal, with homogeneous posts and guides for women to copy them. I want to explore this relationship between women and social media, delve into a woman’s experience when exposed to this.