Menai • Final idea

The Final idea…

It took us after a few sketches and idea developments to design our final idea. We gathered information about Truss bridges and how they work and support the loads in different situations.

Images below show how the load is distributed through a Truss bridge. This is where we got our main design idea as we thought it was the most suitable.

Load Distribution on Truss bridges

Load Distribution on Truss bridges


Truss bridge| Load Distribution

Truss bridge| Load Distribution


Also after looking at precedent studies we have two bridges (see blog on precedent studies) that connect to our final design as thats were we got the ideas of the final idea.


Over View sketch of the levels and ramps to our bridge.

Over View sketch of the levels and ramps to our bridge.

The image above shows  a rough guideline on how the bridge is design and the different levels and the measurements of the bridge.


final model

Final model : scale 1:150

Taking our ideas and being able to produce and demonstrate it in a model. This is our final model.

Measurements | 1:1 | 

Length: 65m | Width: 8m (5m footpath, 3m structure)|

Height: 5.5m( lewes road), 6.5m (above Mithras car park), 7m (entrance of Mithras)


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