Summary (the good, the bad and the ugly)

In conclusion to the week, I think my team did a good job but time management was our biggest issue. A way we could’ve have done better is by creating a plan within the group on the first day that way, we could have been more organised with individual and group tasks. That way everyone would know what to do each day and if individual tasks were set out to meet everyone’s strength, I believe we could have done a better job as everyone would have been bringing their own individual strength. 

But it was a great opportunity to work people you would not automatically put yourself in a group with; giving me some sort of world experience as, in the industry you are working in groups with all different types of personalities and being able to work efficiently within these groups is important. That is a positive I’m taking from this, that the week has helped me work within a group while voicing my opinion. 

The project also allowed me to spot my weaknesses and highlight my strengths which are; I need to further my drawing skills, and can leave the architect type of thinking of design and getting carried away with ideas and start to think of build-ability of the design I am coming up with, like looking at the materials and building regulations. One of my strengths has always been my leadership skills, which came in handy, when I was working with the college students as I worked closely with them throughout the week; when buying materials, making the model or just simply just showing them how to use the equipment. 

Even though the week was extremely stressful, I am glad I did it as it was my first time completing an AT project from start to finish and has definably solidified, that I am doing the right course. Moving forward I will be bring everything I’ve learnt from the week into my future projects. 

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