Mwaka Musuumba Humber -Day 1(ideas, briefing and getting a flow of thing)

Bridges, cyclists and footpaths.

Those were the main points I got from the briefing that was delivered this morning.

A group site inspection was carried out in order for everyone to have a better understanding of what surrounds we were working with. On this visit I took plenty pictures, that way when it came to designing we wouldn’t have to venture out into the cold again.

Once back in the warmth, sitting in our group we decided to start sketching down some ideas.

Something Noel said to us while on site struck out to me and boom I had it.
I was inspired by a spider, with it’s 8 legs, being the difference access points for the cyclists and the pedestrians.

After making a rough sketch and pitching the idea to the rest of the group they were sold on it.

And like that the day was over, our leader set us homework on doing more research on types of bridge supports, materials etc. Just to further our understanding.

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