Wednesday 9th – Thursday 10th November – Design Week


It was now time to start our model! Smita had gathered together her materials and jumped straight in with the construction of the main model. I could tell she had experience in this before as she knew exactly where she was and what was required, as for myself I was slightly unprepared. As I jumped in to start the detailed model I had realised the important for some scaled plans as guessing measurements as I went along was not a good idea. By this point I was slightly stressed so knew that I had to take a step backwards and sketch up some draft ideas.


Draft Sketch with Dims

I quickly sketched the measurements to scale of each material so that I had some visual ideas to go off, I am very glad that I did this! It now made the model a lot easier to in vision and get going. I had Joe working with me who today was very productive, I was very impressed with all the Hazlewick students within our group as they had put in a lot of effort to help us, without them we could not have achieved what we did today.


Modelling Pictures (By Newport Transporter)

 The whole day consisted of model making and by the end of the day I had completed the to scale detail model, it was a section of the bridge walk way showing the structure and detail of our bridge.


Detail Section of Bridge (By Newport Transporter)


Smita was still working on the main model as this was a lot more demanding than mine and after a discussion at the end of the day it was agreed that tomorrow I would work on the poster for our presentation and Smita would continue the model.

Smitas hard work and dedication to getting everything perfect had rubbed off on me! Model making has never ever been my strong point but I feel that this experience had made my final model and incredible piece compared to anything I had done before. Yet again another day with Smita who had pushed me to achieved better in my studies.


Today Smita continued the main model and I started the poster presentation information, I gathered together everything we had gone through and listed it in the different stages. I felt now that everything was coming together and we were almost ready for our presentation tomorrow.

Smita had some good experience on the programme “Indesign” so we agreed that Id gather together all the information required for our presentation and she would put it together neatly. Yet again another advantage of being team up with someone with a various array of skills.

Smita had left early to finish the model at home as she knew that she would be working into the night. Before I left University today I had gathered up all the information and sent it to Smita for editing, all what was left now was the presentation.


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