Ponte Vecchio – precedent studies and design consepts

2016-11-13-6Concept 1 – This is a sketch which is inspired by Nesciobrug Bridge located in Amsterdam which incorporates a split cycle and footpath. I found this example whilst doing precedent studies and really liked the design, therefore decided to sketch my interpretation of it by including the split pathways at the start of the bridge but both paths joining in the middle. The Pathways will then split back off into two ramps one leading along the road for cycle access and one across Preston barracks for pedestrian. I put forward this concept to the group and we all agreed it would be a good design and one of the candidates for our final design. 2016-11-13-5Concept 2 – This concept is inspired by the peace bridge located in Georgia. I was really intrigued by the design and shapes seen in the covering over the bridge and therefore drew up my own interpretation of it showing how it would be positioned in the proposed plot for our bridge development. Again I presented this to the group and we all agreed that the design is fascinating however may be too visually intrusive and may not fit in with the surrounding environment. Perhaps something similar but on a smaller scale would be more adequate.

2016-11-13-4Concept 3 – This concept was drawn up by myself after the study of the Helix Bridge in Singapore. As a group we all really liked the design of this bridge because of the shapes and how modern/futuristic it looks. When thinking about putting this style of bridge in the proposed location I started to think would this bridge stand out or not fit in with the surrounding environment. So I started looking at local architecture and quickly saw that this type is similar to the Brighton pier which is made out of metal and is long with lots of cross pattern structures supporting itself. As a group we all decided that we would design a bridge of similar qualities to the helix bridge in Singapore. My concept shows how the bridge would be constructed and its orientation. At the foot of the bridge (Mithras house access point) there will be a slight ramp leading to the bridge. The bridge will have a combined two cycle and two footpath lanes. At the end of the bridge it shall have two ramps, one goes to Preston Barracks and one bares of towards the Watts site. Sticking with the helix theme we decided that installing lights to our model would be an added detail which will boast our design. I then went on to think of maybe incorporating different colours. I have represented this is my concept sketch.



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