Humber Day 5(we did it, well sort of)


Friday that day we were all waiting for, the day our bridge’s fate would be sealed as we would have to present in front of the Poorang, Noel, the collage staff and Kristy.


We all got started early to start putting the final touches on the poster and model. The presentation was meant to begin at 11am and we started at 9am so it would be a pretty tight run, but we did not anticipate how tight of a squeeze it would be.

Our leader had us create levels so that we could show how the bridge would be positioned by Mithras house, car park and road as they all have different levels. We started making the nets for which we would turn into cubes as this would be easier to glue and place onto out base saving time. Once this was done the columns were meant to be stuck onto the base of the bridge model but unfortunately there wasn’t any time to do so, so we had to just place the different parts in the position.

Lucky our poster was done on time and had everyone’s input placed on.



The pictures below show the different parts of the poster.


As you can see above that shows our finished idea showcasing the; tunnel, ramps and of course our WOW factor the donut.

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And of course couldn’t finish without showing our sort of finished model.


And like that it was time to do our presentation, this was nerve racking as we didn’t get proper briefing form the team leader of what we were going to say or the order. We just knew we had to talk, so we pretty much winged.  But our group is great at winging it, unfortunately as we didn’t complete the model our WOW bridge wasn’t quite wow.







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