Day 5 – Summary of the week

This blog entry will be a summary of the week. We faced many challenging moments but equally many positive. As a team we worked well, all contributing something to the group. Resulting in what I believe to be, the creation of a unique and workable design.
Unfortunately though, it must be commented on that our time management let us down, which was evident in our final model.

Nevertheless, this was our first group presentation and what we did produce was carefully thought out.
Another challenge we faced, was the process in reaching our final design concept. Originally we were very focused on the artistic aspect and created designs that ended up not feasible. Our focus was on ‘form over function’ and this was something we had to address. In the end though, I believe not getting it right the first time was actually beneficial to us, as it meant our final idea was both interesting and practical. Having been well informed and had all elements involved, explored and researched thoroughly. The image below illustrates our developmental process as a group.

I learnt a lot from the week, starting with the importance of delegation within a group when undertaking something similar to this. It also made me more aware of how recognising others strengths and weaknesses can lead to a better outcome as the delegation of tasks is more effective. Moreover, listening to others present was highly insightful. It highlighted good and bad presentation techniques, which will definitely stay with me and hopefully help me in future presentations, to produce the best speech in order to really sell the design.
Finally, I learnt more about my own skills and feel that my illustrations and presentation of ideas is a particularly strong point of mine. However, my delivery in speaking about our design could be improved upon, in order to make future presentations sound more confident and professional.
Overall, the week for me was a definite success and I am pleased about the task that was set.


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