Humber Day 4(Opps, and trying to meet the deadline)


On day 4 we thought we were pretty set but little did we know, that wasn’t the case, as we went for a 1:200 scale we later found out this would be too small for making the detail, which needed to be done.

So, as you can imagine everyone was feeling stressed and pressed for time, so we had to start the modelling process again.

The new chosen scale was 1:100 as this would be bigger and would allow us to make a clear detailed drawing and model, showing what the bridge is made from.




As you can see this is the final model that was created, to the right scale.

A 1:10 detail had to be made to show how the bridge would be made and held together; through research online we found a detail with all the components and from that I could start building a model.


As you can tell the bridge is made from, a 65x205mm clay paver, 20mm class 1 mortar, 60mm of dense basecourse bituminous macadam and 150mm compacted DTp1 Granular sub-base.

At the end of this day we were ready but still panicking as we had a model and poster to finish for Friday.


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