Chilli Wilson – Group 3 (Millau) – Day 2

Yesterday saw the formation of our team and the identification of our outlines as stated in the brief.

Today saw us visually communicate our initial ideas for our bridge design through the use of sketches:


As stated in the brief, we must create a bridge that links university buildings either side of the Lewes Road, therefore, we deiced initially to design a bridge that resembled the shape of a algebraic “X”. This design consisted of a central pod with two sets of bowed walkways connecting the pod to either side of Lewes Road. The advantage of having two separate pathways on either side of the road meant that local residents and other members of the public could use the bridge not just University of Brighton Students.

However, we decided that to achieve a more effective linking with the university buildings, expansion of this core idea was needed to fulfil this aim:


By enabling access to not just Preston Barracks, but Watts Building, the Heavy Engineering development and Cockroft building, we had achieved this goal.

But doing this meant that we had to manipulate and extended our original “X” shape, with the inclusion of long, straight pathways and the inclusion of numerous support columns :


With the bridge design finalised,  dimensions of the bridge could be calculated:


With the dimensions of our bridge calculated we can start building a scale model of our bridge and compiling our presentation, in Day 3.


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