Presentation day

It was a day of stress, nerves and last minute adjustments as the final presentation loomed
All teams raced towards the 12 o’clock deadline, but all managed to finish and present amazing designs and models. With some brilliant techniques being used from each group. It was at some point surprising that all these models could fit into such a small container.


In the end after a stressful tiring week, everyone could be proud of the effort and outcome.


The penultimate day

Thursday 13th, with only this day to complete the final model.
It was all hands on deck today with all team members cutting, glueing, sticking, and frustratingly trying to find ways for all pieces to stay intact.
A 1:50 scale layout plan was designed and printed to make construction easier

A production line of structural posts and fences made the process quicker, so that the model could be constructed with little time wasting.


Whilst the model was being made an A1 poster was being designed for the final presentation.
As the day drew to a close the yawns grew wider and the eye started to shut but all the team could be proud of what was produced in such little amount of time




A satisfying day for team Curie as they push through towards presentation day
Teamwork played a large role today. With everyone chipping in and helping everyone out to finalise layout plans, test models and final presentation.
With help from Hazelwood students Linden was able to complete a scale moving model of the modular boxes.
Ine completed a layout plan with helpful criticism from other team members and as the day went on all members helped towards the box and fence making for the final presentation.
Whilst on a scouting mission. Ine and Linden found just the kind of fencing the project needed. When made from different materials the fence would be portable, lightweight and sturdy.


Working model

A final working and moving scale model was completed in today’s workshop.
The 1:20 scale model was designed the day before, along with cutting list and section drawings to show how the modular design would work

With help from hazelwood student Ryan, all pieces were cut and ready to be glued together.
Things were not as smooth as originally thought, as some parts still had to be altered, even with the changes to the test model seeming to have worked out all the floors.
More help was needed in the final assembly from a couple of F clamps. Which held everything in place whilst the glue dried.

In the end all looked well and the model was fully functional.


It’s all in pieces

Work on modelling the Curie modules started today as test models went from paper to a scale reality.

A concept design for a modular box that will be used for any medical activity that has to be within a closed area went from a paper idea into the modelling phase. Using foam board, wooden dowels and glue. A 1:20 scale model of the box was made.

Preparations started well. Whilst in construction ,alterations had to be made so that every part would work together with its partnering piece.

Even with these alterations and the concept model working. More ideas came later of how the Curie box could work smoothly



Don’t drink and model

After being told strictly to not eat or drink in the modelling room. Head lecturer Noel Painting was caught drinking a large coffee

Student were told when entering the room at 8.45am on Tuesday morning not to eat or drink as the adjoining rooms test materials throughout the day. Contaminants from the materials can become airborne and settle in food and drink, potentially making anyone consuming the item Ill. At roughly 9am the same day lecturer Noel Painting entered the room without a care for any of the guidance given to students by other members of staff.