Design week day 2

Day 2 was more interesting then day one because we are doing layout of the plan. We made the boxes in the scale first than we tried to fit it in. Lectures were happy by our ideas.



Design week day 4

Today we are starting to cut the trusses in the scale plus we made the container, the size of the container is 12.m/2.2m/2.9m. And also we are doing precedent studies and research about the structures…


Wednesday 12th – When you think you are almost ready, several ajustments appear to be done!

The morning started with a little bit revision and check list of what we still have to do. Robb continued to build the model, while Josh was working on the layout and distribution of spaces, I started to search for materials and what kind a floor and walls we could use. Besides de inflatable structure, a module floor that can be disconnected to store on the container and connected again on the site. The visitor students started to plan a design for our presentation poster for friday.

Planning the poster and doing a good layout is good to present your ideas and show clearly to the client what your project propose.


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To preparate our presentations, I started to do schematic drawings and perspectives to put on our post. Meanwhile, the model was almost ready.



However, we had to increase the areas because some parts were missing and we had to consider the staff and patients flow again and also increase the area, do more hexagons for the module.

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Rob smith, team Fleming, Wednesday 12th.

Wednesday 12th: day three and it’s certainly getting harder to wake up in the mornings: 6am starts are not nice, anyway I digress. Today we started off slowly not with any real structure of work, however once DJ and Matt arrived we got going.

Firstly I gave (the kids) a quick lesson in using scale rules in order for them to start making the 1:50 models. secondly me Josh and Gabby started to assign jobs to ourselves, for example Josh drafted up a simple CAD drawing of the layout of the inflatables while Gabby started movement diagrams and artistic impressions of the final design.

As the morning slowly rolled on I soon realised that the kids didn’t really understand what they were doing, for example we ended up with a seven sided hexagon, four meter tall buildings that were supposed to be three etc. Not to worry though as we decided to task the kids with designing the A1 page : all of the information that would be required on the sheet and the way that it would be set out on the page.

After a short lunch I finished making the skeletons of the remaking models, then Josh built the roofs for each of the eight models. Once he finished that we worked together to fabricate the tracing paper triangles that sit in between the straws.

Gabby had a few problems of her own: the main one being the movement diagrams which were far more difficult to design than first thought.

Homework: again we were asked to allocate the kids some homework to complete on Thursday. At first we couldn’t think of anything to give them but that very quickly as it became very appear not that we would need to know what Materials inflatable structures are made of, how large the fans would need to be, what horsepower would be required, what PSI change there would be, the cubic litres required to inflate a bouncy castle of similar size etc.

By the end of the day all of the models had been completed, the movement diagrams had been refined and the layout for the A1 page had been finished. Tomorrow will hopefully be a task of collating all of the information and arranging it on the A1 sheet.

Wednesday 12th

We started off our day by getting straight back into the modelling studio and deciding if there was any improvements we could think of with regards to the design of our model.

The first thing we decided would improve the layout of our structure would be to add more rooms so that the clinic will be functional. The new design creates more space for both the staff and the patients that will be the facility. IMG_1598

The Hazelwick students were given the task of producing a format for the A1 poster, including deciding which font sizes would be used, how the poster will be laid out, the colours and the theme that will be used, etc.

As the design of our clinic is set out my multiple different sized hexagonal shapes, it proved hard to design by hand as the shape sizes were not coming out exactly as they should have been, so instead of drawing by hand we too the drawings onto Autocad where the designs will be more precise and will help us to work out how much space with have within our building.



The image above shows how the roofs of the structure will appear. The structure is completely inflatable so should have no trouble when being erected.


The plan for Thursday is to complete the model and start to get the poster complete too!




The design has now moved off of the drawing board and a model is starting to develop. Amazing how you get an instant perspective of size when you start to build  your model knowing the size of a  freight container compared to the compound. Our layout seems to expand every time Noel, Kemi or Poorang pass by; and we are doing our best to satisfy them all, but we are either going to run out of modelling material or space soon……….

The final Layout

After three days of hard work, we had finally come to an agreement on our layout plans, and after countless research and ideas on what our structure would look like and the materials we would use, we started laying out the plans on our board on a scale to 1:50 to start building up our structure.
A space frame structure with detachable membranes for walls, a few good examples and studies have been done to see how the structure worked before and how well it functions.

Team Lister.. Another Problem, Another Solution


When reviewing our partly finished model towards the end of day three, we discussed the construction methods of the structure, to which we realised some parts may need reconsidering. The supporting beams in which we had implicated during our modelling seemed to have created an issue within themselves. The issue was how these would be assembled, along with the fabric. Our original idea of pre-sewing a long span roof beam to a triangular form of fabric membrane to create individual triangle forms was not going to work.


The main reason for this was that at some point two triangular forms would meet, allowing for an waterproofed element of the roof. So after a discussion in the group, and with Noel we thought that the form of our roof could come Pre fabricated, along with the fabric membrane already in place, when arriving on site this would almost act as an umbrella.

The roofs beams will act on a ring of hinges enabling it to fold out and collapse for transportation, almost identically to this 8 way flexi joint pictured below

it will be folded out so the central column can be placed in the center of the ring.  The central column shall be inserted into this ring, and the outer poles connected using connecters similar to those pictured below


A winch system will be integrated into the central column in order to pull the middle of the roof structure up, creating the shape of our final structure.


Canopy Jack

Compared to our previous technique of assembly I feel that this will be quicker and more efficient when using unskilled labor. Also with the roof structure and fabric membrane coming readily attached, there is much less risk of any leaking occurring or room for human error.

Design Week 2014 – Day 1

Day one consisted of our design brief being revealed, which is to create an easily transportable medical treatment centre, this whole centre has to fit into a shipping container. After this we were split into groups and introduced to college pupils who we are working in partnership with.

Our main aim for the day was to discuss and develop ideas, in doing so we came up with the idea of a walling system which would easily fit together. Collectively, it was decided that simplicity was a vital element of our design.

Throughout the day, we researched and sketched ideas which would set us up well for day two of the project.