Wednesday 12th – When you think you are almost ready, several ajustments appear to be done!

The morning started with a little bit revision and check list of what we still have to do. Robb continued to build the model, while Josh was working on the layout and distribution of spaces, I started to search for materials and what kind a floor and walls we could use. Besides de inflatable structure, a module floor that can be disconnected to store on the container and connected again on the site. The visitor students started to plan a design for our presentation poster for friday.

Planning the poster and doing a good layout is good to present your ideas and show clearly to the client what your project propose.


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To preparate our presentations, I started to do schematic drawings and perspectives to put on our post. Meanwhile, the model was almost ready.



However, we had to increase the areas because some parts were missing and we had to consider the staff and patients flow again and also increase the area, do more hexagons for the module.

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