Design Week 2014 – Day three

On day three we met up with the students from Hazelwick School again, caught up and shared what each of us had been doing the day before. The day mostly consisted of going over and over our floor plans after the lecturers kept finding faults. Eventually we found an idea which worked and got the seal of approval from Dr Poorang Piroozfar.

We also came up with a final design for the external structure which was focused on the inflatable tent structure we had thought up the day before.Photo on 12-11-2014 at 10.44

The picture above shows an attempt on modelling an inflatable structure which sort of worked but ended up being too time consuming especially if we used the idea for the final 1:50 scale model.

Instead we have decided to use balsa wood, bubble wrap and plastic to replicate the finish of the building as shown i the pictures below showing the model in the early stages.

Photo on 12-11-2014 at 16.30


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