Project 2 – Drawing machine (Discontinued)

Welcome to the Project 2 page. This is a group project including myself and Scott Griffin. This page contains all information on the drawing machine.

Here is a link to Scott Griffin’s website:


For the ME545 manufacturing engineering module, engineering students have to write G-code and use it to operate a CNC machine. Many students struggle with G-code and using the CNC machines so a way of practicing would be beneficial as it would not cause material to be wasted and it would allow people to see progress and mistakes in their code. A way of doing this would be to alter a CNC machine so it can be used as a drawing machine.

Project aim: to alter a CNC machine so that it can be used as a drawing machine for testing G-code.


  • Research and gain an understanding of how a CNC machine works.
  • Produce a range of solution to convert a CNC machine to a drawing machine.
  • Produce a rationale to determine the best solution for the drawing machine.


  • The drawing part of the machine should be changeable and renewable.
  • The drawing component should be detachable from the machine.
  • The drawing component should be easy to attach to the machine.


Discontinued: This project was discontinued due to other modules covering learning outcomes
