Presentation for projects

NOTE: Images can be expanded by clicking on them


On the 22nd of February 2022, I had to present my current progress on my work for the DE50X modules. This presentation was for a portion of the grades for the year. The aim was to show progress in all areas of the modules and progress towards all learning outcomes.

Below is the presentations that I made and presented, click on photo to download for full view:

Click Here: Iain Griffin design engineering presentation powerpoint Download

I structured the presentation systematically. I separated it into three main sections denoted by the colours and some smaller areas. These sections were:

  • Project planning
  • Blind sensor aid project
  • ME544 module aid project
  • Smaller sections:
    • Skill learning
    • Drawing machine project
    • What I learnt
    • Appendix

I structured it in this way because it was much easier to manage and present. An alternative to this would have been to present each individual learning outcome. I decided not to take this approach because it would have meant that all my projects would have been presented in bits and pieces. This may have made it difficult for the audience to understand exactly what I have been doing.

Project planning section – This involved my calendar and my map of the learning outcomes to show what part of projects covered the learning outcomes, a reflection of previous learning experience and my first Gantt chart. I spoke about how I had planned out the projects and explained how these different tools worked.

Blind sensor aid project section – This section involved the aim, objective, deliverables, my disassembly diagram, risk assessment, questionnaire, questionnaire ethics, the Arduino build and code, and the RGB colour value tests that I had done at the time. The section also ended with a what’s next section.

ME544 module aid section – This project was a group project and because of this I only present the parts that I took part in. This section involved a poster for the tensile testing machine and the all in one excel spreadsheet that I had worked on. This section also included a what’s next section covering what we wanted to do with the posters and future plans with the all in one excel spreadsheet.

Skill learning – This section was mixed with the blind sensor aid project and this covered a costings activity that I did using a product design and development book to build my own costings table

Eppinger S., Ulrich K. & Yang M. (2019) Product Design and Development. Seventh edition. New York, McGraw Hill.

Drawing machine project – This project was a smaller section since myself and the other team member had planned on working on the drawing machine project later in the semester. This section involved the aim, deliverables and objectives. When speaking about this section I discussed our potential plans for the project with the audience.

What I learnt – This sectioned covered what I had learnt and was mainly myself speaking to the audience about improved confidence and different areas that I learnt.

Appendix – This section included my learning agreement prompts. This was a necessary part to have and was needed in order to be marked.

On each slide I added what learning outcomes were involved. This was to help the markers and audience see what parts covered what learning outcomes. This was to go along with the map and give people a visual idea of what covers the learning outcomes as well as a written version.

To go along with my presentation, I also brought in and presented my current Arduino build. This was to show how the system functions and what it outputs when a colour in placed in front of the colour sensor. The Arduino build that I present only displayed the numerical values of red, green and blue and it did not display a worded version of the colour. Here is a photo of the Arduino build I presented:

Here is a photo of what was displayed on the screen of the Arduino build: