Level 5 LO. Plan

NOTE: Images can be expanded by clicking on them


Learning Outcome Plan for Level 5

This page consists of my learning outcome plan. This has been designed to plan out when I will be completing tasks to meet the learning outcomes. It covers a lot of months, going from the end of October all the way to the end of July and this excel plan contains a list of the outcomes of all four modules, DE501 to DE504, which will also act as a quick reference that I can look at. The learning outcome plan will allow me to see and plan out what I am needing to do and when I am wanting to complete it. With the design of the plan I will be able to split the learning outcomes up into multiple days if necessary.

Here is a photo of the Learning outcomes sheet of the plan.

Here is another photo of the plan for October 2021

Currently this plan is functioning in conjunction with another plan that works with the activities within a given day. I plan on updating this plan so that these plans can work better with one another or work on one plan together for more ease when planning and more simplicity. I  plan to update this plan by adding a check mark part so that I can see when I have met or completed a learning outcome, how much I have done and what I haven’t. My goal is to update this regularly.

I have added a How will I meet the Learning Outcomes page in this excel plan.

here is a photo of the How will I meet the Learning Outcomes.


Current Version: Version 2

Version 2.0: For this version the look and how the plan functions is slightly different. in all of the version 1 plans, I would add to the plan once I had completed a task, but with this version I can plan out what I will do within the week. the boxes are bigger allowing for more detail and the LOs along the side have been removed and now will be written within the boxes along with the project and work. Here is a photo of the new plan:

Current weeks plan


each month has a different sheet at the bottom of the excel

download link Click Here: Design Engineering Learning Outcome Plan V2.9


Version 1 updates

Version 1.4: I have added a colour code covering in progress and complete in orange and green. I have also deleted October because there wasn’t anything in it and I have start adding on 6th of November.

Version 1.5: 9th Nov 21 – A small update, I have added numbers onto the plan so that I know which in progress or completed Learning outcomes correspond to what project. I have also added a note at the bottom of each sheet to explain this.

Version 1.6: 13th Nov 21 – I have added some in progress parts for today involving project 1 and the poster I made.

Version 1.7: 21st Nov 21 – I have added a notation indicating that w = website. This is because some of the learning outcomes do not fit into some of the projects or they are done separately to the projects.

old versions downloads

design engineering learning outcome plan v1.3

design engineering learning outcome plan v1.4

design engineering learning outcome plan v1.5

design engineering learning outcome plan v1.6

design engineering learning outcome plan v1.7