Learning Agreement Prompts

where have I been?

My experience of learning so far is that  I studied and attained my GCSE’s at Peacehaven Community School. After this I moved onto doing a Level 3 and Level 3 extended BTEC Engineering diploma at Eastbourne Sussex college.

Other things that have happened to me in my life is that I have been on trips with my family to museums, airfields and other places that consist of machines, motor vehicles and science. I would say these have helped spark my interest in engineering, space, science and cool inventions. When I was younger I use to sit down and draw with my grandad, I think this is one of the reasons I like to draw and design things.

where am I now?

Currently I am volunteering at a charity called Martlets. Here I mainly move around furniture and beds, which have been donated by the community, between the storage and the main shop. I have also worked on the till. Through this volunteering, I have learnt health and safety, my communication has improved and so has my confidence.

I believe that I am a kind and caring person but I am also quite shy and quiet. I feel that I need to improve this part of myself so that I am more successful in life and overall happier. I tend to put others first which causes me to forget about myself sometimes.

I enjoy drawing and painting. Within this I especially like drawing buildings and objects with shapes and in perspective since as I am quite good at it. I enjoy maths and puzzles like sudoku. I enjoy games and golf as these allow me to relax and take my mind away from any problems that I may have. I enjoy walks too for the same reason. On the other hand I don’t like and find it unpleasant when events occur suddenly as this can cause me to worry and panic. Although I don’t like this it is another part of me that I want to improve on.

I am good at maths and drawing. These are important to me because they will help and allow me to come up with designs for the course and for work in the future. I am also quite good at coming up with solutions and design which is also very important.

I value my family and the work that I do. I also value the free time that I have and I believe these can be very important.

Where do I want to go?

I want to be a good engineer that can work with others and produce great things. I want to lead a successful and comfortable life that I can enjoy with as little pressure that I can get. I want to keep improving on myself and keep pushing myself higher and higher

I would like to work in the design part of engineering as this interests me more than the other parts and I can apply the skills that I have, however I would not mind working in other sectors of engineering as these can be interesting and I can still gain a lot from them. Also the design engineering work will allow me to be more involved.

What things do I need to learn and develop now to help me in life and work? I need to learn more skills in engineering, how machines, mechanisms and components function as this will allow me to produce better designs and come up with solutions for problems.

How will I get there?

I need to learn more mathematics and drawing to do with design engineering, for example, kinematics, force, dynamics along with many other topics. This would allow for more accuracy within my work and projects will be better.

I will learn these through revision of what I already know, research into what I don’t know, for example, watching tutorials, online lectures, books and others. Asking technicians and teachers for help is another thing I can do to learn along with practising. To improve upon myself I will need to relax, think and stay calm.  Help that I need will be positive and negative feedback so I know how I am doing and advice from others and some resources I would need is books, online resources and access to facilities which could help in projects.

How will I know that I’ve arrived?

I will keep a note of what I have done throughout my time, allowing me to see what I have done and assess my development. I will know that I’ve learned to the level that is needed if I am provided good feedback, a good end result and projects will work as intended.

I will recognise that I have gained the capabilities and knowledge I need when I can confidently think of projects, design and develop them to the best of my ability.