Print Day!

The Magazine was printed today and I have a physical copy in my hand! It’s so exciting seeing the hard work that everyone has put into it paying off and how amazing the magazine looks!! Seeing my name under the writing was a little surreal but exciting nonetheless…

Reflection on my Personal Development

Now that the Editorial Brief module is complete, and after reflecting on the module as a whole, I can see that I learnt a lot and gained new skills. Being able to work in a group was a new task for me at University, due to all the previous modules being individual projects. It was nice to be able to step out of my comfort zone with this and be able to work with people who all share a similar passion for the fashion industry and to create a piece of work we were all proud of. Being able to work in a group is an extremely important skill, especially when working in this industry. I believe this module has helped to improve my people skills needed to work in a group, as well as help me become more confident with speaking up on my opinions.

Creating a magazine on a large scale was a completely new concept for me also, as I had only created a small zine previously. This was very exciting to me but it also had its challenges. Going into this project, I had never done any editorial writing and wasn’t too confident starting out, it was a lot of trial and error in the beginning however after getting into the swing of things and getting feedback from the peers in my group it was clear that I could do it and that I needed to trust myself a little more when it comes to tasks like this. I expanded my knowledge throughout this module due to writing about topics I didn’t know too much about. I had to thoroughly do my research so I knew exactly what I was talking about and the articles were clear and concise.

I’ve realised that when it comes to my writing that when I don’t think about it too much and just write that’s when the better pieces of work are produced. An example of this would be the first draft of the introductory article, because I struggled slightly with this article and thought too much about it, it ended up sounding like an essay rather than a piece of informal writing in a magazine. My favourite piece of writing ended up being the ‘My Experience’ piece. Being able to share my own thoughts and feelings on such a personal scale was quite nerve-wracking for me, however it helped to push me out of my comfort zone with my writing and helped the magazine have a more personal touch to it. If I were to improve for next time, I would make sure to maybe add more informative and information articles into the magazine, and improve on my communication skills in and outside of University.