Elisa Garcia-Mingo (June 2019)

Assistant Professor Elisa Garcia-Mingo worked with Drs Patricia Prieto-Blanco and Olu Jenzen from the Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender. During her stay at Brighton, she worked on her ongoing research project about Sexual Violence in Digital Environments.

“I found a very rich space to exchange ideas and methodological concerns with members of the Centre for Transforming and Sexuality Gender working on topics including digital images, affordances of digital technologies, mediations of bodies, feminist activism and regimes of digital representation of harm.”
(Assistant Professor Elisa Garcia-Mingo)

After her time as a Visiting Fellow, she was elected for a full-time position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociological Theory and Social Research Methods at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, one of the leading universities in Spain. Her growing expertise on Digital Culture made her eligible to be a lecturer of Research Methods in Digital Environments and she has also become a member of Cibersomosaguas, a research group on Digital Culture and Social Movements based at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Currently, Elisa Garcia-Mingo is working with Patricia Prieto-Blanco on a research project about hashtag activism against sexual violence in Spain. The results of the ongoing research will be discussed at the annual MeCCSA Conference that will take place at the University of Brighton in January 2020.