Programme here.

There will be presentations by our CTSG Students and we will have a key note speaker. Lunch provided and refreshments!


12.30-1 pm Lunch
1pm -1.10 Welcome
1.10-2 pm PGR presentations
2pm-2.15 Mini workshop
2.20 Carl Bonner Thompson & Kirsty Mcgregor
2.30 Nick McGlynn
2.40 Laura Harvey & Olu Jenzen
3pm– 3.40 Guest talk by TJ Billard, Director of the Center for Applied Transgender Studies & Editor of the Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies
3.40- 4 pm C. Serena Santonocito, CTSG VRF:
‘Gender bias on artificial intelligence algorithms’
4 PM onwards Drinks

Please register for this event, here.