Dr Olu Jenzen (School of Media) is working on a project to explore the representation of transgender youth in British mediaWe are seeking an undergraduate student  (L5 or L6) who is keen to gain research experience by supporting this research project. 

The project will involve mapping British news reporting and other UK media representations of trans and gender expanding youthto unpick themes, rhetoric and language used to depict or represent the lives and experiences of trans and gender expanding youth.  

LGBTQ+ youth are increasingly visible in society and in media. This predominantly positive development has nevertheless also brought increased victimization (Ryan and Rivers 2003). Public debates impact on policy and potential legislative reform, such as the Gender Recognition Act, as well on organisations that support LGBTQ+ young persons and on health services provided for these groups. We know from anecdotal evidence that there are also powerful and vocal sections of society that quite forcefully set out to disqualify the voices of young LGBTQ+ people. Therefore, it is important to systematically map and review current media representation as a step toward identifying what critical interventions are needed and possible to empower trans youth. The project builds on Jenzen’s previous research together with LGBTQ+ young persons and aims to give a comprehensive understanding of the mainstream media representation of trans and gender expanding youth via discourse analysis of British news media. 

 The placement involves supporting the Researcher and colleagues and tasks include data collecting using the Pro Quest European News-stream data base and other media sources (i.e. BBC etc); organising of press articles in excel or Nvivo; coding of media articles, building an academic bibliography, and possibly some transcribing of audio content.  

The placement is for 6 weeks and would suit an individual or two sharers who have: 

  • Good working knowledge of our online library tools (data base searches etc)
  • Basic knowledge of the methodologies and vocabulary for doing media text analysis  
  • Knowledge of LGBTQ+ youth experience  

 There is a stipend available to the successful applicant/s (£1200 or £600 each if there were 2). This payment is fixed for a period of six weeks only, with the tasks to be completed set and agreed between School and student prior to commencement. It is the student’s responsibility to declare earning to HMRC if they are tax payers (i.e. earn over personal allowance). The placement can be undertaken around your study commitments, at location and times of your choice.  The proposed start date is the 17 May 2021 (TBC).  

 Examples of knowledge and experience you will gain as a result of the placement: 

  • Data collecting and organising  
  • Literature searches and building a bibliography  
  • Evaluating media sources 
  • Discourse analysis (text and images) 
  • Using software for qualitative analysis  

 How to apply 

Please send your cv and a supporting email to Karen Gainsford K.Gainsford@brighton.ac.uk by 7th May to be considered for this placement opportunity. Your email should set out how you meet the needs of the project and how this experience could support your future plans.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Olu directly o.jenzen@brighton.ac.uk 

To find out more about the Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender (CTSG) please visit our website https://www.brighton.ac.uk/ctsg/index.aspx