Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Devices


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Showcasing our Research 26th March 2024 Huxley Foyer & H300 8.30-16.30 hours

“Showcasing Our Research” Venue:  Huxley Foyer & H300 Poster Boards available for all students email here Exhibition space available for industry email  here Programme 8.30-8.55 Registration & coffee 8.55-9.00 Welcome (Matteo Santin, CRMD Director) Session 1 Biomaterial synthesis (Chair: Irina… Continue Reading →

CRMD Research Seminar 11th March G24 – 13.00-14.00 hours

School of Applied Sciences – Research Seminar Series Monday 11th March 2024 1.00pm – 2.00pm Cockcroft Building, G24 Lecture Theatre 1 Prof Antonella Motta, University of Trento Emerging trends and prospects of sustainable functional biomaterials  Biography Antonella Motta is Full… Continue Reading →

CRMD Seminar Monday 12 February H300 13.00-14.00 hours

Flying High !

Flying high: Brighton researchers take to zero gravity to improve lower limb wound treatment in space (sharepoint.com)

Newsletter December 2022

Another year approaches its end and CRMD looks back at it highlighting some of the achievements reported in previous Newsletters and reporting those of the last three months.   Year Achievements At the end of February we received the good… Continue Reading →

Newsletter September 2022

CRMD had a very busy, productive summer while enjoying a well-deserved break. The highlight was the Away Day held on 23 May. Its morning session was dedicated to the talks delivered by our PhD students. Our students impressed for their… Continue Reading →

Newsletter April 2022

The first three months of 2022 have been very successful for our Centre. First of all, the CRMD’s collective effort led to the achievement of the largest individual grant ever obtained by the University of Brighton. CRMD was recognised by… Continue Reading →

Designing a portable MRI machine: 25th May 2022 15.00 hours

Newsletter November 2021

The Management Board of the CRMD met on 8th November 2021 to plan the Centre activities for the academic and financial year 2021/22.   I am pleased to announce that a new investment in support of pump-priming projects has been… Continue Reading →

Newsletter March 2021

In the first three months of the year, CRMD has been registering further positive news that we would like to share with all those attached to our Centre. In January, we held the CRMD Annual Get Together Event that this… Continue Reading →

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