Social Networking/ Safer Internet Day

Think who you are adding on line !
Are they who they say they are ?
To be cautious when you start talking to someone you don’t know online.
*Just because someone is friendly it doesn’t mean that they are your friend.
*If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t worry about offending them by saying no.

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and the campaign sees over 1,000 organisations unite to raise awareness of online safety issues and run events and activities right across the UK.

As a result of our collective action Safer Internet Day 2016 reached 2.8 million children and 2.5 million parents!

 Safer Internet Day   Click on the safer internet Day link to find out more about out national internet safety day.

Risks of social networking for children

Think about it !

The  more you know about the kind of social networking sites you or your child  belongs to and what information they like to share, the more likely you’ll be able to keep them safe:

  • The lower age limit for most social networking sites is 13
  • The most popular social networks include Facebook, Instagram, YouTubeTwitter, Tumblr, and Snapchat. Sites aimed at younger children, like Club Penguin and Moshi Monsters, also have a social networking element
  • Many sites include an instant message function which allows private conversations between site members
  • You can set privacy settings on most social networking sites so that only close friends can search for your child, tag them in a photograph or share what they’ve posted
  • Most social networking sites have an app version available, meaning your child will have access to the social network from their smartphone or tablet. Some app versions of social networks use the location of the phone – see our apps page.
  • Facebook has a setting that allows your child to approve or dismiss tags that people add to their posts
  • Information shared between friends can be easily copied and may spread widely
  • It isn’t easy to take back information that has been posted – and can be impossible if it’s already been shared – see our online reputation page
  • Not everyone your child meets online will be who they say they are. Chatrooms and forums can connect people who are complete strangers and can be unmoderated
  • Chatrooms and forums are one of the places online groomers go to connect with children. They can also be places where people use a lot of sexual language and engage in online flirting. This is sometimes done through video chat programs such as Skype