guide to using featured image sizes

This is a test image to use as my featured

. I found a site that says a generic size for images to use on WordPress (and hence Edublogs) is 1200 x 628 pixels. This has an aspect ratio of 1.91:1, meaning that the width is 1.91 times the height (X x Y). The first image below shows the original image in this 1.91 aspect ratio.


However, when I used this as my featured image, clearly the proportions weren’t quite right: the top and bottom of the image were cropped. So I then resaved the image that was displayed as my featured image (right click > save as), and it turns out that image was 640 x 250 (aspect ratio 2.56:1) meaning that it is wider relative to the original image (hence the theme has cropped the top and bottom evenly – I measured it with a ruler on my screen…and yes I do that kind of thing all the time!).


So the first thing to take from this is the way you can find out what the size of the featured image for your them…and just as importantly the proportion or aspect ratio too.

Now to make sense of how to use this to make all your future featured images neatly packaged so that they are a) proportioned correctly, b) efficiently sized, c) not cropped by the theme.



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Derek Covill

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