2016 Conference

Programme for the ‘First national conference for occupational therapists working in diverse settings’.

Date: Wednesday 7th September 2016

Venue: Greynore Hall, University of Brighton, 49 Darley Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 7UR.


8.30 -9.30 Registration and coffee

9.45 am Welcome: Channine Clarke and Sarah Mead

9.55 am Welcome from Professor Paula Kersten, Head of School of Health Sciences.

10.00:  Gaynor Sadlo: The application of occupational science in diverse practice

10.45: Questions for Gaynor

11.00 Coffee

11.30 Workshop: Evidencing your occupational therapy practice and core skills against HCPC requirements for registration- Led by Sarah Mead


12.45pm Lunch


1.30pm: Dr Nick Pollard, Sheffield Hallam University and co-editor of Occupational therapy without borders. ‘The added value of narratives’.

2.15: Questions for Nick

2.30: Tea

2.45: Workshop: Measuring outcomes and identifying areas for research for occupational therapy in diverse settings- Led by Dr Channine Clarke.

3.45: Julia Scott, Chief Executive, College of Occupational Therapists- summary of key points from the day and The COT vision for the future of the profession.

4.15pm: Close and evaluation of the day.