
Three years of life as an art student and often felt lost in my paintings, I always question myself “why?”. Feeling too precious about the canvas has transited into a fear of putting paints on white clean canvas which has hunted me ever since. Beginning to paint in abstracts has become a cure for me.  The more I push myself to paint over the boundaries; the less I doubt myself.


The theme “be water’’, where healed me throughout my practices. “Be formless, shapeless, like water. There are situations that might be difficult for us, as such require different responses. What works last-time may not work the best this time. Don’t be strained to any one system. “Be water”, however, also a cure for Hong-Kong.

In Hong-Kong, our future was well planned by parents, whilst we are being shaped into patterns that are not on our will. Water flows like there is not a plan; we should be brave enough to explore the situation where we got into. We shall not let the atmosphere change us and get to shape us, like water, they remain the same inside even it flows outside.


It may be the reason why I choose to explore color and shapes. There are many tones in one color, like us, even though we are born with a plan, but we can walk our journeys out. Everyone’s books are different and amazing, we do not have to become others just because their stories seem better. The greatest thing that I learned in these three years of life in the UK is

“try to become a good listener to our own internal voice.”.