21st Oct 2011

Third Annual Post-Graduate Conference Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories, University of Brighton and Centre for Life History and Life Writing Research, University of Sussex

June 29th, 2011 Falmer, University of Brighton, UK

Study of the emotions has been a recurrent theme across social and cultural history, within cultural and literary studies, in memory studies and throughout a wide range of disciplines in the arts and humanities in recent years. This ‘emotional turn’ has demanded the development of new methodologies and of nuanced approaches to source material and to articulation of emotion. Research by Doctoral students, early career researchers and Masters students has been at the forefront of this new body of work. Following our successful conferences in 2009 and 2010 we would once again like to invite post-graduates across the disciplines to meet and discuss their work in this field.

Areas of research might include (but are not limited to):

• Reading/Writing ‘emotional histories’

• Love, romance and courtship

• Language, narrative and the emotions

• Articulation, silence and memory

• Trauma, silence and memory

• Archival and methodological approaches to the emotions


Conference programme for The Emotions in History, Memory and Storytelling

Conference abstracts for The Emotions in History, Memory and Storytelling