Four Reasons to have an A Class App

A quarter of the words population now own a smart phone (IBM, 2014) meaning more and more people are downloading applications every single second. Data from Nielson (2014) highlights that smart phone users over 18 are now spending 65% more time on apps than in 2012. Additional research shows that 86% of time spent on iOS and Andriod devices is spent within apps, showing the importance of including this platform into your digital marketing strategy (Flurry anayltics, 2014).

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With more eyes than ever looking to download apps there has never been a more important time to have an A Class App, but why?

1. A bad app gets no second chances

25% of all apps downloaded are deleted after being opened just once (Think with Google, 2016) meaning first impressions really are everything. When downloading an app, customers expect perfection, anything less and the app will most definitly be deleted particually when the app store is just one click away as are your competition. Having no app is better than having a bad app, why leave a sour taste in your customers mouth and send them over to your competion risking the customer to not return.

2. A bad app will damage the customer experience

A huge amount of time and money is spent per year perfecting the customer experience with many firms going to great lengths to ensure a seamless journey through each point of contact (Shaw & Ivans, 2002). 61% of people believe a bad app will have a negative effect on the overall customer experience (IBM, 2014). To ensure a great customer experience is had, ensure you head over to Foresee for how to create a mobile experience that keeps your customers coming back.

3. The benefits of an A Class App are significant

The benefits for having a well functioning, well designed app are limitless. According to IBM (2014) the study reveals that there has never been a more important time to have a successful app. The study proves that the significant benefits include satisfied customers boosting the brand name and even staff becoming more motivated and productive. If your app proves popular it could end up climbing the ranks in the app store, getting even more exposure to your business. Applications are a fantastic way to allow businesses to be one step closer to their customers, some even allowing push notifications when applicable for that business.


According to Jain and Singh (2002) in recent years there has been a shift in the treatment of customers. Businesses no longer seek single transactions but want customer loyalty. Loyal customers often refer friends and family which is a great word of mouth tool, they return with little or no marketing and also have reduced costs to a firm than acquiring a new customer. Reich-held and Schefter (2000) highlight that the cost of acquiring a customer online is higher and often profitability can only occur if purchases are repeated. Having a seamless app will increase the likelihood of retaining customer, which will have a positive effect on profits.

4. Stand out from the competition

Consumers spend a set amount of time on apps within each category (see below).  This means that once they have decided which category to browse all of the competition are up for grabs (or not as the case maybe). By not having an app available will leave this entire marketing portal free for competition to exploit. Why lose potential sale leads by not being present on the app store?

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 12.52.31Source – Neilson (2014)

In need of inspiration? Head over to The Guardian Technology for a list of the best apps in 2015.

And just for fun, lets see some of the worst.


Flurry analytics 2014 –

IBM (2015) Good Apps, Bad Apps. The cost of creating exceptional mobile moments through mobile apps. [Online] < > [accessed 10 April 2016]

Ivens, J. & Shaw, C. (2002) Building great customer experiences. 1st ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macillan Pulido, A. Stone, D. & Strevel, J.

Jain, D. & Singh, S. (2002) Customer lifetime value research in marketing: A review and future directions. Journal of interactive marketing. Vol 16. Issue 2. Pg 34-46

Neilson. (2014) So many apps, so much time. [Online] <–so-much-time.html > [accessed 10 April 2016]

Reichheld, F.F., & Schefter, P. (2000). E-Loyalty: Your secret weapon on the Web. Harvard Business Re-view, July – August, 78, 105 – 113
Think with Google. (2016) Four strategies for mobile apps re-eengagement. [online] < > [accessed 10 April 2016]



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