Chichester Harbour Environmental Studies

Bridging the Gap Between Science and Policy – End-of-Life Boats

Microparticulate pollution is now recognized by the UN Environmental Program as an environmental issue of global scale. Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) are composite materials made of plastics reinforced with glass fibres used in the construction of boats and wind turbines. Our group is at the forefront of the research to better understand the GRP contamination…

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Low tide at Chichester Harbour

Microparticulate analysis of Chichester and Langstone Harbour water

With grants from Langstone Harbour and Final Straw Foundation Corina Ciocan, Dipak Sarker and Magdalena Grove are investigating the water quality in Chichester and Langstone Harbours, in relation to the CSOs effluents and climate change events. Chichester and Langstone Harbours are tidal estuarine habitats and some of the most intensively used waters in the UK….

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Starfish at Chichester Harbour with oil debris on sand


Reduction of pollution by endocrine disrupting compounds at source REDPOL was part of the Interreg France – (Channel) England partnership and drew on the collaborative work of French and UK research institutions, members of industry and regional organisations. The consortium was led by the Université Le Havre-Normandie (ULHN) and is composed of l’Université de Caen,…

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Bringing up a net of shellfish, Chichester Harbour

CUPP research 2018

How can we better understand micro plastic pollution? This partnership began with the University of Brighton’s Community University Partnership Project (CUPP). It began with a 2018 pilot study to explore plastic pollution in Chichester Harbour. One of the issues of concern is the significant decline in recent years of the oyster population in the harbour…

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