The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton invites applications for self-funded International Visiting Research Fellows (VRFs) to spend time at the Centre to pursue their research within CDH’s themes and to form collaborations with CDH members.
The aims of the Open Call CDH VRF scheme are to:
* provide external researchers with an opportunity to immerse themselves in CDH’s research culture
* offer an opportunity for external researchers to work collaboratively with CDH staff
* foster international networks within design history research
* develop a stimulating intellectual environment for advancing collaborative bid development, co-convening events and / or co-authoring publications
* give visiting researchers a platform for presenting their research to staff and students
CDH research is currently grouped around four thematic strands:
- Fashion and dress histories
- Graphic design histories
- Transnational design histories
- Museums, archives and exhibitions
Cutting across these themes, we are committed to research approaches and practices that decentre cultural privilege and engage with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. We particularly welcome applications that address one or more of these areas.
On successful application, CDH will cover the £200 administrative fee for the scheme, but no salary or stipend will be paid. Our Open Call Fellowships are designed to suit international VRFs who can support their costs with external funding. Fellowships can be arranged to be shorter or longer term to suit (up to one year in duration). The process usually needs six weeks’ preparation time. For visa purposes, where needed, CDH can provide a letter with the formal start / end dates plus an outline of the specifics of the role.
Due to limited research staff capacity, we can usually only accommodate 1-2 self-funded VRFs per year. Where there are multiple requests, CDH staff will select applications with the best fit to our themes and priorities.
Visiting Research Fellows will have access to:
* a University of Brighton campus card, which enables access to University facilities and resources
* Information Services (including libraries) and to computer, printing and copying facilities
* a University of Brighton email address
* a sponsor (a member of CDH academic staff) plus CDH administrative support
The Open Call for CDH International Visiting Research Fellowships does not have a closing date. However, please contact to discuss any proposed applications in advance of preparing any documentation to ensure that your proposal fits with our themes and capacity. Applicants should ensure that they address the following:
* their proposed contribution to CDH’s research culture
* the fit between their plans and one or more of CDH’s themes and priorities
* details of the collaborative activities and outcomes to be delivered during their Fellowship
* the proposed duration of their Fellowship
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