Month February 2019

Book Launch | new works by our members

27 February 2019 5:30pm-6:30pm Grand Parade G4 University of Brighton   Join us to celebrate the publication of two new books by members of the Centre for Design History: Simon Bliss (School of Art) Jewellery in the Age of Modernism… Continue Reading →

Workshop | Daniel Huppatz: Mapping Design’s Histories Beyond Euro-America

5 February 2019 10pm-12pm G7 Pavilion Parade University of Brighton   Mapping Design’s Histories Beyond Euro-America D.J. Huppatz (Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne) For over a decade, design historians have been arguing that a global perspective on the discipline is… Continue Reading →

Reading Group | Exhibition Histories

1pm-2:30pm February – June 2019 304 Pavilion Parade University of Brighton We are pleased to announce the new Exhibition Histories reading group organised by CDH PhD students Joseph Long, Hajra Williams, and Caroline Hamilton. Exhibition Histories Reading Group The Exhibition… Continue Reading →

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