Join us on Wednesday, 14 April, 14:00-15:00 for the first talk in our Public Understanding of AI series. Event Link:

AI and User Experience: Challenges for UX Designers in using machine learning as a design material

Dr Tobias Mülling, University of Pelotas/Brazil

The increasing popularity of artificial intelligence in interactive systems – with a focus on machine learning (ML) – has raised many questions about how to use, design and apply it in different contexts, amongst ethical concerns. In addition, whilst there is substantial research about the user experience of products and services based in ML, little is known about how designers can ideate and prototype solutions based in ML. This talk explores challenges that UX designers may face in understanding, conceptualising and utilising ML as a design material, amongst potential alternatives, to purposefully apply ML in real-world contexts.


Tobias Mulling, Ph.D. is a senior lecturer, researcher and interaction designer at the University of Pelotas/Brazil. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Interactive Technologies from the University of Brighton – UK, with a research that explored the design and evaluation of Design Patterns for a novel mid-air approach, which linked the GUI with the mid-air gestures performed. Before joining the University of Pelotas, Tobias was an interaction designer at Possible GmbH, with projects designed for clients such as Siemens, Microsoft, Otto International among others. At the University of Pelotas Tobias is leading the LABxD (Interaction Lab), with a focus on interaction design, service design, design thinking, machine learning and cultural implications of ubiquitous systems.

Find out more about Tobias’s work at

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