The BBC Micro:bit is a tasty little microcontroller that is self contained and very powerful.
Quick overview:
- Outputs
- 5×5 LED array
- 25-pin edge connector
- audio out using pins 0v (positive) and GND (negative)
- radio and bluetooth antenna
- Inputs/Sensors
- 3 push buttons, 2 front 1 rear (which provide 4 inputs, A, B, A+B, reset).
- 3-axis accelerometer
- 3-axis magnetometer (used as a compass and metal detector)
- light sensor (useing the LED array)
- temperature
- radio
- Connections
- a MicroUSB connector
- battery connector
- 25-pin edge connector
- radio and bluetooth antenna
- 43mmx52mm with connections along the top and bottom.
This Micro:bit documentation goes into excellent detail about every aspect of Micro:bits hardware, inputs, outputs, programming, tutorials and projects to work through.
It is programmed using the in app/browser code editor
Once you have your program it can be flashed wirelessly to the Micro:bit from the app over bluetooth. This has never, ever worked for me – although I’ve seen it done by others. I prefer to connect the Micro:bit by usb to a PC where it becomes available as a removable drive and drop the downloaded .hex program file onto it – it’s easier to create code on a PC anyway…
There are various other ways to program a Micro:bit, but I honestly won’t claim that I understand them:
- JavaScript – it is possible to switch between blocks and JavaScript in the app/browser editor.
- MicroPython – this is a more complicated and detailed type of programming, apparently you can achieve more with it but I have tried and have no clue as of yet… Quality info on MicroPython can be found here.
- GitHub – there is a thing called GitHub which I think is a code sharing resource/network. Again, no idea but I believe there are resources available for more complicated Micro:bit projects.
- MU – this is a simple Python editor for Micro:bit, similar to MicroPython. I tried an OLED project that required this application to program the Micro:bit. I never got it to work and managed to complete the project without it. Available here anyway.
Additions and kits
There are various add-ons and kits that make it easier to connect the Micro:bit and increase it’s potential.
The main one to get is an Edge Connector Breakout Board. It makes connecting the Micro:Bit to other components somewhere between easier and possible. Detailed specs/data sheet can be found here.
I would l like to try the Hover:Bit and the Air:Bit by Norwegian company MakeKit.