Category Archives: XE Week 2 – Computer-aided Design
CNC Machining
Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machining refers to the process of a machine or tool using numeric data as instructions to control a m [...]
3d Scanning
3d scanning is the process of capturing the size and shape of a real world object or environment. Ways of 3d scanning generally fall into 2 [...]
Adjusting the layout and theme of my site
I’m not been very satisfied with how my site looks and works, this is for two reasons: When I chose the theme I had almost no content [...]
Autodesk Maya
In addition to the die modelling task we were set and as I had previously used both Solidworks and Fusion 360 I decided to also lean the bas [...]
Fusion 360
As I mentioned in a previous post I’ve used both Solidworks and Fusion 360 but I’m much more confident with Solidworks so my aim [...]
Parametric Design/Modelling
What is Parametric Modelling? Parametric modelling is the relation of many geometries to one dimension and the ability to modify those geome [...]
Computer Aided Design
CAD is not all fun Mostly error signs and fails You gotta use it – BAH, a Brain Aided Haiku The second week of our Digital Fabr [...]