Coffee Sketches Edited

Because I am focusing on colour theory and how colour changes the ideas and represents emotions, thoughts and feelings I decided to edit the colouring of my coffee paintings.


I simply adjusted the hue and colouring on photoshop to add these blue features on the drawings. I played them out in rectangular boxes with a black background for a very finished, clean appearance and traditional graphic novel.  The models in the painting are hugging and holding each other tight but the painting is fairly abstract and lets the viewer have their own ideas on the emotions. The blue juxtaposes the ‘happiness’ and ‘love’ of the couple holding each other, if the viewer sees them as happy and in love. The viewer could perceive the couple as sad or distant and then the colours work for that emotion.







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Here I edited the same three paintings but I adjusted the hues and colours to be a bright yellow. Yellow is often associated with joy, fulfilment, youth and happiness. It creates a completely different outlook personally on the paintings. When I drew them, I felt as if the couple where desperate and holding on to each other but the memories and their time was nearly over but altering the colours creates a completely new meaning where they look like  every inch of their bodies are touching and radiating happiness from one and other, they are melting into each other.

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