This game isn’t the standard board game, it is a card based game which is fast paced like the well known game uno, unlike uno this game doesn’t require much strategy or luck and instead is based on pattern recognition and reflexes. Despite this game being significantly newer than uno, it is still widely liked and can be purchased easily. I am looking into this game to help see if fast paced rounds or card based mechanics can prove to be an improvement. Core mechanics, players take turns to place cards in the centre, each player has to say the following word in the phrase “taco, cat, goat, cheese, pizza”. If the word said matches the card placed, the players race to pile their hands on top of the cards and the last hand on the pile keeps the cards. If an action card is placed on the pile the players must first complete the matching action before putting their hand on the pile, the winner is the player who finishes their pile first. Audience, I believe that the game is targeted at a younger more family orientated audience due to the simplicity of the rules and game play, given that snap is one of the first games we learn as children to help with our pattern recognition. This can also be found by the games visual aesthetics, the simplistic and colourful designs provide an eye catching pattern and the designs are distinct enough that during game play each card can be easily recognised.
DDE Framework: Design- the production process of a game, it is viewed in 3 sub categories Blueprint- rule sets where the world is defined, physics, narrative and art design. Mechanics- code structure and handling Interface- any asset, cutscene or text on display, how it communicates the game world to the player. Dynamics- The planning of all the game pieces including how they’re put together. Experience- What the player experiences and what emotional, intellectual or senses are evoked and what it is that evoked them. The player themselves become the subject of this framework The DDE framework builds off of the MDA framework and aims to make improvements on the lack of inclusivity for game genres, as the MDA framework doesn’t cover all games and possibilities.
MDA Framework: Mechanics- Rules that relate to the components of the game. Dynamics- What the players do and how they act with the tools given to them by the designer. Aesthetics- The emotional response evoked in the player.
Framework systems such as these can aid in both the research of other games and the planning and refinement of game designs. Using these framework, analysing and researching games can be more in depth and streamlined. This is done in the following pages
Core mechanics, audience, experience, what can be changed Chess is significantly older compared to the other games on this list, although each piece has a set move and begins at the same starting point every match, the possibilities are endless and the strategy needed to play well does not match the simplicity of the rules and visuals. This game can and is played by any one at any age, which is shown in chess competition as they have a wide range of competitors Chess gives the experience of a very serious and strategic intense game, although it can be played casually, players who tend to do so lose to their opponent. Due to chess being such a classic game, adding more complicated mechanics might make the game difficult to get used to or even understand, more simplistic mechanics can be added to change up the gameplay. For example, new movement rules could be added like the ability to swap your rooks and bishops movements once per game. Dice could also be added as a new piece which is more recognisable, maybe determining how far a pawn can go at the beginning of a game.
Battleships is a simplistic game that does not require any strategy just luck, unlike games like chess where the visuals and choices are simplistic but gameplay is complecated, battleships is simplistic and to the point in visuals and gameplay, you can either hit your opponents ship or miss. Core mechanics include the 5 ships each player receives and placing them on the 10 by 10 peg board, and the hit and miss pins are the 3 piece of the game, depending on wether you hit or miss a ship after a guess, dictates where you place what pin on the board. The intended experience is a calm and relaxing game with very slight bits of competition, I found whilst playing this game, I was not pressed to win but rather focused my attention on placing the pins and admiring the tactile details of the pins and ships that make the game that much more personalised. Although I did not have any trouble playing this game or in understanding the mechanics or concept, it is a very simplistic game that relies on guessing, more competitive players might like a more skill based very of this game in which special moves or pins are given out, maybe mines or bombs that must be placed by your opponent on their grid can be exploded by one guess and bow up a particular radius, making the game less linear.
Monopoly is a game that many people have played, and consists of a board, lined with properties for purchase as well as chance spots, like card spots and jail, that mix up the linear game play. A banker is appointed to hand out money and properties when needed, players take turns going round the board by rolling dice, and purchasing properties, which go up in price the further you are in the board. If a player lands on a purchased property, they must pay rent according to how many properties in the set the owner has as well as many houses or hotels, which can lead to a hefty fee. Although the property market is quite an “adult” topic, the competitiveness of buying properties in this game also attracts children or anyone of any age, as chances are they have played this game before. This game tends to have a very extended play time due to the importance of decisions, and even though a player can be close to being bankrupt, chance spaces give losing players an opportunity that is unpredicted by everyone. Experiencing this game is family fun at first, but is known to cause arguments as the mentality needed is competitive and very selfish, to avoid the player themselves losing, despite their relation to the other players. Many things can be and have been changed in this game, as there are thousands of custom rules and different published versions of this game, despite this mechanics that could be included could be more chance based, a way to fight off paying rent perhaps, such as rolling a specific number on a die. Or a new category of cards, with a purpose of arming the player with a card which allows them to buy an already purchased property.
The mechanics of the original version of Cluedo is much more simplistic compared to the escape game that was provided for research in class. Original cluedo is what I intend on focusing on as the escape mystery version was more complicated and required too many cards and numbers to be played casually or as a beginner. Original Cluedo consists of many parts that work together but is simple enough to be set up quickly and for younger players to understand. A killer, room and weapon gets chosen randomly and placed in a “sealed” envelope, the rest of the cards are distributed and players take turn rolling a dice to move to a room then using their provided list of cards to guess and use the process of elimination to figure out what cards are in the envelope. The experience intended by this game is not as competitive as others but more serious as a missed opportunity can cost you from winning. Therefore somewhat relaxed but still serious enough that people pay attention, this game is used in a smaller gathering setting where adults and children can play together despite it being more seriously toned. Luck or more skill based components can be integrated into the gameplay, such as puzzles or trivia, however I have learned from playing the alternate version of this game (shown above) that complicated puzzles and o many cards are just tedious for the players.
Redesign one of the pre-chosen board games by adding up to three new game mechanics and reinventing its style and aesthetic. The games that can be chosen from are Monopoly, Cluedo, Battleships and Chess.
Using techniques and theory learnt over the course of the module, design and 3D print new pieces, as well as make the board, cards, tokens and the rulebook.
The mechanics are limited as it is not desired that the game is completely redesigned, as well as more mechanics could lead to confusing gameplay.
The art style is to be redesigned to whatever theme desire as long as it is appropriate, which is meant to exercise both art skills and creativity skills, as well as making this project personalised.
Most importantly of all, besides having a finished and playable end product, the entire creative process must be documented and annotated to evidence said creative process. My project is researched, designed, created and evaluated in the following slides.
Although the following research is meant to assist me in my decision of what to design and how, my initial goal is the following:
MAF mechanics, aesthetics and framework
I have decided on choosing the game Cluedo, with a 70s retro theme. Mechanics and theming would revolve around the Fleetwood mac scandal that occurred in the 70s.
Hippie, Retro and Dreamy are words I used to describe the desired aesthetic for my game without using the term “70s”
Since Cluedo boards are very detailed, using the term “70s” is not defined enough in description, therefore these words would narrow down my reference research for artistic influence for the game board.