Redesign one of the pre-chosen board games by adding up to three new game mechanics and reinventing its style and aesthetic. The games that can be chosen from are Monopoly, Cluedo, Battleships and Chess.
Using techniques and theory learnt over the course of the module, design and 3D print new pieces, as well as make the board, cards, tokens and the rulebook.
The mechanics are limited as it is not desired that the game is completely redesigned, as well as more mechanics could lead to confusing gameplay.
The art style is to be redesigned to whatever theme desire as long as it is appropriate, which is meant to exercise both art skills and creativity skills, as well as making this project personalised.
Most importantly of all, besides having a finished and playable end product, the entire creative process must be documented and annotated to evidence said creative process. My project is researched, designed, created and evaluated in the following slides.
Although the following research is meant to assist me in my decision of what to design and how, my initial goal is the following:
- Make an easy to understand but entertaining to play version of Cluedo.
- Add up to three trivia or music based mechanics, maybe even based on the story of the chosen aesthetic.
- Ensure that it is manufactured as professionally as possible, to aid in documentation and if needed in the future, recreation.
- To make sure that the aesthetic chosen matches the general vibe and aesthetic of Cluedo.