Time for a funding round up…because there’s better things to spend money on than Christmas…

Who are you calling a grinch? Indeed. *heh heh* Attention budding researchers, unrepentant Japanophiles and Computer Science/related students with disabilities – we has lovely lovely money for one and all (possibly)… Bookings close 30 November! Just a few days left to reserve your place at the PostgraduateStudentships PhD Funding Fair on Monday 4 December in… Continue Reading Time for a funding round up…because there’s better things to spend money on than Christmas…

Planet Careers winding down for Christmas? No chance. Here’s a bunch of events happening before 2017 hangs up its boots…

Money management, money for PhDs, a hefty helping of Engineering and Construction and a side order of (s)Law. See what I did there? Arf! That’s our (very) late November/Dec events menu… 24/25 November – National Engineering and Construction Exhibition, Birmingham. YES it’s happening over the next two days and YES it’s in Birmingham BUT this… Continue Reading Planet Careers winding down for Christmas? No chance. Here’s a bunch of events happening before 2017 hangs up its boots…

Grad fairs, local fairs, NHS, PhD, LGBT – a sample of doings for your early summer diaries…

Did y’miss me?? After a protracted absence (the fruits of which will become apparent quite soon – and no, I’ve not had a baby) witness the sparkly return of Magic Careers News Round Up Bear. Yes indeed. It is *on*…and here’s just the first wave of upcoming stuff for the summer. Apologies for the clashing… Continue Reading Grad fairs, local fairs, NHS, PhD, LGBT – a sample of doings for your early summer diaries…

Masters and PhD funding – news updates and yr actual dosh…

Another funding update, and this time we’re all about money for postgrad study including research funding. Read on… Closing 14 March (i.e. in about 7 hours at time of writing): Rising Stars 2016-17. Awards of up to £10,000 each are being offered to assist researchers in gaining experience of managing and leading their own research… Continue Reading Masters and PhD funding – news updates and yr actual dosh…

Competitions (LOTS of…), summer placements and opportunities for women from top global employers…

A modest round up from our inbox this evening, kicking off appropriately enough with a shout out for Where Women Work… Where Women Work focuses on opportunities for women at all stages of their professional life to advance their careers with progressive employers. Sign up for their newsletter and get the latest on job opportunities… Continue Reading Competitions (LOTS of…), summer placements and opportunities for women from top global employers…

Teacher training scholarships, PhD studentships and Post-Doctoral fellowships – ‘ships everywhere!

It’s been a while since we had a grab-the-cash round up, don’t you think? More politely referred to as ‘A summary of scholarships and bursaries’, but in these days of Government-by-Tweet is decorum even a thing? Ugh. Anyway. Onward and rise above… Next round of applications closes 8 February! Are you considering applying for a… Continue Reading Teacher training scholarships, PhD studentships and Post-Doctoral fellowships – ‘ships everywhere!

Competitions, internships, research and MOOCs – it’s all (still) going on.

Another round up of opportunities to level-up your employability, career nerds! Closing 13 November! Deutsche Bank Internship Programme has roles available in: Asset Management, Corporate & Investment Banking: Corporate Finance, Corporate & Investment Banking: Global Transaction Banking, Finance, Global Markets, Group Audit, Human Resources, Regulation, Compliance & Anti-Financial Crime, Risk, Technology and also (closing 31… Continue Reading Competitions, internships, research and MOOCs – it’s all (still) going on.

Postgrad funding – Harvard, MIT, Great Ormond Street and for Commonwealth citizens

A moderately large roundup of big postgrad bucks for the taking. Get the info and get applying – someone’s going to bag the cash, why not you? Closing 26 October: The Kennedy Scholarship is an academic award for study at Harvard and MIT. It can be used to fund a wide variety of programmes at… Continue Reading Postgrad funding – Harvard, MIT, Great Ormond Street and for Commonwealth citizens

Work/study/Bioscience research opportunities in India? The British Council are On It…

Closing 7 December! The British Council are taking applications from UK PhD students to undertake a 3-6 month placement in an Indian research institution. Applications must be in the Biosciences or disciplines that interface with the Biosciences. The grants will include a stipend and will cover all travel, accommodation, visa costs and medical insurance.  http://bit.ly/1MAzK8A… Continue Reading Work/study/Bioscience research opportunities in India? The British Council are On It…

Are you interested in paid work researching issues affecting young people

ThinkYoung is recruiting – EXPERIENCED INTERNATIONAL RESEARCHER We are currently accepting research proposals from experienced researchers on issues affecting young people. The successful candidate will be offered a paid position at ThinkYoung in order to carry out their proposal. ThinkYoung is a Brussels-based think tank focusing on improving conditions for young people. Previous research areas… Continue Reading Are you interested in paid work researching issues affecting young people

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