Arts and heritage volunteering oppportunities: latest info booklet – get reading, get applying, get experience

ARTS & HERITAGE volunteering opportunities… A portfolio of amazing arts and heritage sector volunteering opportunities. – Add to your CV, complement your degree, network and get involved with your local community. Active Student helps University of Brighton students and staff to find and apply for local, rewarding, safe and supported volunteering opportunities that will enhance… Continue Reading Arts and heritage volunteering oppportunities: latest info booklet – get reading, get applying, get experience

Royal Pavilion and Museums – recruiting volunteers now for archive digitisation, fashion & textiles and garden greeter roles

Royal Pavilion Archive Digitisation Collections Assistant Volunteer We are currently looking for a capable, reliable and conscientious volunteer to assist with the digitisation of the Conservation archives held in the workshops in the Royal Pavilion. This will involve cataloguing, documentation, digitisation, scanning, transcribing and other related collections work. Time commitment: 1 day per week, Monday… Continue Reading Royal Pavilion and Museums – recruiting volunteers now for archive digitisation, fashion & textiles and garden greeter roles

ARTS sector volunteering info booklet – take a look at the January 2018 Edition!

ARTS sector volunteering info booklet – take a look at the January 2018 Edition! Active Student – Volunteering in ARTS v. January 2018-14ixso2 How to apply for volunteering Please contact the University of Brighton’s Volunteering Service, quoting the role and your campus: 01273 644145   (Image courteousy of S. Ken via Compfight)

Volunteering in the Arts with Active Student, Oct 2017 Ed – a portfolio of fresh and exciting opportunities for the new term

A portfolio of fresh and exciting arts sector volunteering opportunities for the new academic term. Add to your CV, complement your degree, network and get involved with your local community. Active Student helps University of Brighton students and staff to find and apply for local, rewarding, safe and supported volunteering opportunities that will enhance your… Continue Reading Volunteering in the Arts with Active Student, Oct 2017 Ed – a portfolio of fresh and exciting opportunities for the new term

Inside Track: Becoming a Curator

2 MAR, 1-2pm, Pavilion Parade Room 102 (City campus). Kathleen Lawther is back to share her experiences and give you a glimpse behind the scenes in museum curation. Kathleen is currently Curator at Littlehampton Museum. This role involves everything from researching and installing exhibitions, designing and delivering children’s workshops to managing the museum’s website and… Continue Reading Inside Track: Becoming a Curator

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