Teacher training scholarships, PhD studentships and Post-Doctoral fellowships – ‘ships everywhere!

It’s been a while since we had a grab-the-cash round up, don’t you think? More politely referred to as ‘A summary of scholarships and bursaries’, but in these days of Government-by-Tweet is decorum even a thing? Ugh. Anyway. Onward and rise above… Next round of applications closes 8 February! Are you considering applying for a… Continue Reading Teacher training scholarships, PhD studentships and Post-Doctoral fellowships – ‘ships everywhere!

2017 hits the ground running with jobs, internships, postgrad study and then some…

2017 is upon us like an unexpected shower *ahem* …moving on, let’s talk serious jobs, internships, study opportunities, competitions and more. You’re welcome… Wanted ASAP! LPC Graduate to work at Brighton solicitors, Burt Brill and Cardens. The position is the Assistant to the Commercial Property Partner. They are (quote): “…looking for an enthusiastic, positive person… Continue Reading 2017 hits the ground running with jobs, internships, postgrad study and then some…

Employability is about more than your job history – 7 chances to generate some quality CV eye candy…

Training courses, competitions, internships, joining professional societies and publishing in research journals – a sample from our inbox to give your applications and interviews some novel talking points. And there’s lots more where these came from… Applications close 8 December! Are you in interested in all things digital? Do you wish you could be a… Continue Reading Employability is about more than your job history – 7 chances to generate some quality CV eye candy…

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