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Local Jobs Fair. Elm House Atrium. 9 May, 12-3pm – don’t miss out. Come and meet the employers on campus.

Employers are coming to Elm House to offer jobs and other opportunities to University of Brighton students in all years, across all schools and courses.. Continue Reading Local Jobs Fair. Elm House Atrium. 9 May, 12-3pm – don’t miss out. Come and meet the employers on campus.

Term may be over but the events keep coming…

A petite roundup-ette of events kicking off just after the end of the academic year – nice timing or what?… 12 June – Equality and Inclusion Partnership Jobs Fair, Churchill Square, Brighton. Local public sector services have come together to promote the city’s public service organisations as employers of choice where individuals can develop interesting… Continue Reading Term may be over but the events keep coming…

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