The joy of student volunteering and the occasional *hmm* of the charity sector…

Been a while since we’ve had a round-up of think pieces, and also been a while since I posted on here *waves*. Hope this gives you food for thought. Student volunteering: does it make a difference? – (*SPOILER* Yes it does.) Joy Williams, IES research fellow, considers the vast array of reasons and motivations for students… Continue Reading The joy of student volunteering and the occasional *hmm* of the charity sector…

What are THEY saying about YOU? A round-up of hot topics and gossip from the graduate job market.

Welcome to the first WATSAY (now there’s an uncannily apposite acronym *ahem*) of 2018. For newbies and those not paying attention, this is where we take a look at key issues being discussed by graduate recruiters, professional internet talkers and take an occasional pop at those people who talk about ‘students’ and ‘graduates’ like they’re… Continue Reading What are THEY saying about YOU? A round-up of hot topics and gossip from the graduate job market.

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