From Cambridge to Japan and points between – the scholarships and bursaries keep coming…

Another round of scholarships, bursaries and sundry pots of filthy lucre. Get those applications flying… Closing 5 November. The John Crook Scholarship is a fully-funded scholarship for a second degree at St John’s College, University of Cambridge for students who are the first generation in their families to have gone to University. This opportunity is… Continue Reading From Cambridge to Japan and points between – the scholarships and bursaries keep coming…

Your Careers Service online – changing up a storm for 17/18

Yes indeedy, it’s taken some doing (and then some more doing) but the new Careers site is out there for your perusal and (hopefully) pleasure. Based on feedback from your good selves we’ve restructured and rearranged to make all the cool stuff available with a swipe and a tap – like this… Deciding what career… Continue Reading Your Careers Service online – changing up a storm for 17/18

Training, networking, recruitment, open days, more networking – here come the events…

Might not feel like it but spring is not *that* far off – and the events season is in bud, even if the trees have a long way to go. Look at us getting all lyrical. Blimey. Read on… 8 Feb: Webcast – InFocus: Women In Innovation – Ready to make an impact? Innovate UK’s… Continue Reading Training, networking, recruitment, open days, more networking – here come the events…

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